Contact Info


Mailing address:

Christina Edsall
Cuerpo de Paz
Entrega General-0229
Correo de Penenome
Republica de Panama
Cel: 6759-3783

Some tips  on  mailing things:

You may want to write "Sister Christina Edsall" or "hermana Christina Edsall". Other biblical versus on the envelope or package will not hurt. Invest in some religious stickers! Panamanians tend to not take mail seriously unless it is for religious or political matters. If you can, try to avoid sending boxes as they are more suspicious and likely to be stolen. Try larger envelopes if items fit.
If there are any customs paperwork you need to fill out, be vague about the description of things and underestimate the value. I have heard to not send things via FedEx as they will charge me a customs fee. Send them US postal.

Do not send naked postcards! Post offices in Panama are full of  postcards all over the wall because they are "pretty pictures". Put the post card in an envelope!

Always desired goods: cliff bars, quinoa, licorice, dried fruit and nuts